Fall 2024 Internship for Credit Courses


The Internship for Credit Courses (492s) are 3-credit hour online courses offered every semester where you can develop professional competencies and earn General Elective or Major Elective Credit! To be eligible for the program, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be able to work a minimum of 150 hours at your internship during the course to be eligible for credit.  
  • You may be able to use a full-time or part-time job to fulfill these requirements, depending upon the position. Students using a current place of employment instead of an internship (or similar opportunity) must diversify their skillset by taking on 150 hours of a new project or experience at their site related to the course or concentration. Students may not count their current responsibilities as time towards their requirements, only hours related to new duties or projects in alignment with this course. 
  • Your employer will need to be aware that you are seeking academic credit for your internship. You must get your employer’s signature on the experiential learning agreement, which our office sends via email while your application is being processed.  
  • You need to have a copy of an official offer letter or confirmation of employment that includes your internship duties or job description.  
  • To be eligible for academic credit, internships must be concurrent with the semester enrolled. Retroactive credit cannot be granted for internships that have already been completed.
  • You must meet the following section-specific requirements: 

Don’t have a Fall internship yet, but interested in the course? There’s still time to find an experience! Set up an appointment with a member of our team to learn about current opportunities and how to make your application more competitive.

Currently working full-time or part-time for an organization that would allow you to take on additional responsibilities next semester? Email us to discuss how you may be able to get Academic Credit at work this Fall!

More information on the course, course assignments, and the application can be found here. Still have questions? Email Career Services at mycareer@gmu.edu or call 703-993-2140 and our staff would be happy to help you.