Professor Emeritus of Marketing
Richard Entrikin came to George Mason University from Saint Louis University where he received his PhD in business administration in 1976. While at Saint Louis University, he taught in both the MBA and undergraduate programs for six years. At Mason, Entrikin served in administrative capacities for 16 years including positions of director of undergraduate business programs, chairman of marketing and coordinator of marketing.
He primarily taught both graduate and undergraduate marketing courses. His teaching responsibilities include retailing and e-commerce management, marketing management, and international business. He was also involved with management training and development programs with both non-profit and profit organizations.
Entrikin focused his research on retailing, e-commerce, survey research and case studies. He has conducted numerous survey research projects for governmental units, educational units at George Mason, and private industry (both for profit and non-profit firms). He has also done extensive consulting work for governmental units, for profit firms, and non-profit firms.
Entrikin earned his BA from Western Illinois University, an MS from Northern Illinois University, and his PhD from St. Louis University.